Géraud Dautzenberg
Chapter 3
Figure 1. Flowchart Referred Patients and Healthy Controls MCI: Mild Cognitive impairment NoCI: No Cognitive impairment; HC Healthy Controls; GDS: Global Deteriorration Scale; IQCode: Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly; BPSD: Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia 3.3.2 Demographic findings Within the referred patients, there was a significant difference in age (ANOVA F=26.0 p =0.000) between the diagnostic groups, as expected. There was no significant difference between sex ( p =0.39) and education length ( p =0.142). Disability, as measured by the GAF, showed an expected difference: MCI best and the demented and NoCI (as most of them were psychiatrically ill) the worst GAF-score ( p =0.001). The GDS15 shows no significant differences between the referred groups. As for the secondary outcome there were no significant differences in age, education and sex between the population of referred patients and the HC (table 1). The significant differences in GDS15 and GAF were as expected; the HC had significantly fewer depressive symptoms (GDS15-score) and better global functioning (GAF-score).
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