Roel Bogie

Chapter 1 General introduction7
Chapter 2 Development and validation of an educational web-based system for endoscopic classification of laterally spreading tumors17
Chapter 3 Endoscopic subtypes of colorectal laterally spreading tumors and risk of submucosal invasion: A meta-analysis37
Chapter 4 Metachronous neoplasms in patients with laterally spreading tumors during surveillance73
Chapter 5 Evaluation of polypectomy quality indicators of large, nonpedunculated colorectal polyps in a nonexpert, bowel cancer screening cohort89
Chapter 6 Thermal ablation of mucosal defect margins to prevent local recurrence of large colorectal polyps: A systematic review and meta-analysis109
Chapter 7 Optimizing post-polypectomy surveillance: A practical guide for the endoscopist 129
Chapter 8 Optical diagnosis of diminutive polyps in the Dutch bowel cancer screening program: Are we ready to start?153
Chapter 9 Impact of endoscopist training on post-colonoscopy colorectal cancer rate173
Chapter 10 Molecular pathways in post-colonoscopy versus detected colorectal cancers: Results from a nested case-control study185
Chapter 11 Incidence and classification of post-colonoscopy colorectal cancers in inflammatory bowel disease: A Dutch population-based cohort study207
Chapter 12 General discussion221
Nederlandstalige samenvatting245
List of publications255
Acknowledgements / dankwoord259
Curriculum Vitae263
Abbreviations used264

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