Roel Bogie
Chapter 6
PubMed results n=2403
Embase results n=399
Cochrane results n=177
Identi cation Screening Eligibility Included
Combined results n=2979
Records excluded based on title/abstract (n=2877)
Results (full texts) n=102
Full-text articles excluded, with reason (n=92) 1. Language (n=4) 2. Abstract prior to full study (n=8) 3. Another outcome measure (n=11) 4. No adjuvant intervention (n=46) 5. No naive large colorectal polyps (n=7) 6. No original data (n=13) 7. Study protocol (n=3)
Inclusion n=10
Inclusion by cross-reference (n=0)
Studies included for qualitative synthesis n=10
Studies included for quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis) n=10
Figure 6.1: Study flowchart.
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