Roel Bogie
Molecular pathways in post-colonoscopy versus detected colorectal cancers: Results from a nested case-control study
Figure 10.3: Unsupervised hierarchal cluster analysis based on the molecular features of all CRCs analyzed. | In the cluster analysis results of the nine genes most commonly mutated in this study (APC, TP53, KRAS, KIT, PIK3CA, BRAF, FBXW7, SMAD4 and PTEN), the significant chromosomal alterations (loss of 17p, loss of 18q and gain of 13q), CIMP status and MSI, were included. A) Heatmap displaying the distribution of all clinical and molecular features of all CRCs analyzed in this study. Orange indicates presence (mutation) while blue indicates absence (wildtype) of these features. The first three columns represent CRC type (Biological PCCRCs: red, Procedural PCCRCs: blue, DCRCs: green), CRC location (proximal: yellow, distal: dark blue) and CRCmorphology (polypoid: purple, non-polypoid: light blue). After clustering of the CRCs, three large branches can be detected (blue, green, and red).
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