Roel Bogie

Development and validation of an educational web-based system for endoscopic classification of laterally spreading tumors

LST-G-H - - - 0.35 [0.33-0.37] 0.54 [0.52-0.55] - - -

LST-G-NM - - - 0.53 [0.51-0.55] 0.69 [0.68-0.71] - - -

LST-NG-FE - - - 0.43 [0.42-0.45] 0.59 [0.57-0.60] - - -

LST-NG-PD - - - 0.36 [0.35-0.38] 0.44 [0.42-0.45] - - - MUMC+ vs NTUH:


Feature Gwet’s AC1 [95% CI] Fleiss kappa [95% CI] Mean pairwise agreement Pre-test Post-test P value Pre-test Post-test P value

Pre-test Post-test

MUMC+ 0.41 [0.34-0.48] 0.58 [0.51-0.65] <0.001 0.39 [0.37-0.41] 0.56 [0.53-0.59] <0.001 NTUH 0.47 [0.40-0.54] 0.60 [0.53-0.66] <0.001 0.46 [0.43-0.48] 0.58 [0.55-0.60] <0.001 P value 0.233 0.754 <0.001 0.420

Table 2.3: Overviewof the inter-observer agreement results among fellows. | *Fleiss kappa coefficientswhichdonotmatchwithmeanpairwise agreement and Gwet’s AC1 score because of unequal proportion of categories.

0.43 [0.37-0.50] 0.59 [0.53-0.65] <0.001 0.42 [0.42-0.44] 0.57 [0.56-0.59] <0.001 57.4% 68.9% 0.63 [0.55-0.71] 0.81 [0.75-0.88] <0.001 0.63 [0.62-0.65] 0.81 [0.79-0.82] <0.001 81.5% 90.6%

Paris classification 0.33 [0.29-0.36] 0.45 [0.41-0.49] <0.001 0.20 [0.20-0.21]* 0.30 [0.29-0.31]* <0.001 39.3% 49.7% Paris 4 groups (lla, lla+llc, lla+ls and other) 0.35 [0.31-0.39] 0.44 [0.39-0.49] <0.001 0.23 [0.22-0.24]* 0.33 [0.32-0.34]* <0.001 49.2% 56.3%

Kudo endoscopic classification

Granular vs non granular

Per Kudo subtype:


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