Roel Bogie

Chapter 3

( Figure 3.1 ). 1 The homogenous granular and flat elevated non-granular LST subtypes correspond with the Paris 0-IIa subtype, the nodular mixed granular LST subtype consists of a combination of the Paris 0-IIa and 0-Is subtypes, and the pseudodepressed non-granular LST subtype consists of a combination of the Paris 0-IIa and 0-IIc subtypes. 15 Information sources Before starting the study, the reviewers (RB, MV, LS) were trained in designing search queries by an experienced medical research librarian. We included all original publications (English language) reporting on LSTs up to 1 July 2017. We searched PubMed, Embase, Scopus, and Cochrane Library with MeSH (colorectal neoplasms) and non-MeSH terms: (lateral* spreading tumor OR LST OR non polypoid OR ((nonpolypoid OR non-polypoid OR flat) AND (tumor OR lesion OR neoplas* OR adenomaOR cancer OR carcinoma*))) AND (colorectal OR colonOR colonic). Given the heterogeneity in the definition of an LST, the search terms and the hierarchy were selected to capture all relevant studies (highest sensitivity with lower specificity). Because of the detailed information needed for

Figure 3.1: Endoscopic images of the four endoscopic Kudo LST subtypes. | Together with a schematic overview of these lesions showing: A, granular homogenous LST (Paris IIa); B, granular nodular mixed LST (Paris IIa+Is); C, non-granular flat elevated LST (Paris IIa); D, non-granular pseudo-depressed LST (Paris IIa+IIc).


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