Roel Bogie

Chapter 3

Prevalence Prevalence of endoscopic Kudo LST subtypes and risk of SMI LST-NG-FE LST-G-NM LST-G-H LST subtype % 95% CI LST-G-H Prevalence 35.4% 27.2 - 43.6% SM invasion 0.5% 0.1 - 1.0% LST-G-NM Prevalence 26.1% 18.5 - 33.8% SM invasion 10.5% 5.9 - 15.1% LST-NG-FE Prevalence 33.0% 22.8 - 43.2% SM invasion 4.9% 2.1 - 7.8% LST-NG-PD Prevalence 5.5% 3.2 - 7.8% SM invasion 31.6% 19.8 - 43.4% 35.4% 26.1% 33.0% LST-NG-PD 5.5% SMI 4.9% SMI 31.6% SMI 0.5% SMI 10.5%

F igure 3.10: Overview of the prevalence of LST endoscopic subtypes and rates of submucosal invasion (SMI). | LST-NG-PD, non-granular pseudo depressed LST; LST-G-H, granular homogenous LST; LST-NG-FE, non-granular flat elevated LST; LST-G-NM, granular nodular mixed LST.


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